As an alumnus of the Master's in Educational Sciences, stay connected to a network of other alumni of the programme!
The Alumni Association Educational Sciences Groningen is there to maintain and promote contacts between the Master's programme in Educational Sciences and its alumni, and between alumni among themselves. The association tries to contribute to the networking and professionalisation of alumni Educational Sciences.
Specifically, the AVOG organises an annual alumni activity where alumni can meet each other. Besides space for meeting, the activity always includes a content, such as a workshop or lecture focusing on an educational theme.
An annual newsletter is also sent out from the association containing, for example an overview of the master's theses written in the past academic year and other news from the study programme and GION. The newsletter also features an ‘alumnus in the spotlight’ who talks about his or her work.
In addition, the AVOG has its own group on LinkedIn (, group: Education RUG).
In this group, all members can post messages, including vacancies. We have also opened the group to students of Educational Sciences.
The board of the AVOG currently consists of:
chairman Prof. dr. Hilda Amsing (University of Groningen);
secretary Mandy Foekens-van Oostwaard Msc. (Stichting Pedagogisch Onderwijs);
treasurer Marleen Havinga Msc. (Teacher at Openbaar Onderwijs Groningen);
Dominique Derks Msc. (IKEA - The Netherlands);
The membership fee of the Alumni Association is 15 euros per year. Member Become a member? Then fill in the authorisation form.
For more information, please contact bestuur.avog