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Teaching and Examination Regulations - Faculty BSS

Teaching and Examination Regulations (OER)

In the Teaching and Examination Regulations (OER) all specific rights and obligations are incorporated:

Appendix 1: OER degree programme specific + Appendix 2: Assessment Plan




  • Bachelor Sociologie
  • Master Sociologie
  • Toetsplan, bijlage bachelor en bijlage master


"Only available in Dutch only, since the information relates to the Dutch programmes."





"Only available in Dutch only, since the information relates to the Dutch programmes."

Research Master - Behavioural and Social Sciences




Alleen beschikbaar in het Engels, gezien het gaat om een Engelstalige opleiding.

Appendix 3: Regulations for Bachelor’s and Master’s theses and/or final-year projects

The Regulations for Bachelor's and Master's theses and/or final-year projects comprise the general rules that apply to all final-year projects for the Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes and Pre-Master’s programmes offered by the Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences.

Code of conduct

Code of Conduct: see Studyinfo per degree programmes and tracks.

Student Charter

The Student Charter provides an overview of the rights and obligations of both students and the University. It is based on national legislation, particularly the Higher Education and Research Act (WHW, hereinafter also referred to as ‘the Act’), supplemented by regulations that are specific to the University of Groningen. The University-specific regulations are set out in the appendices to the Student Charter.

Last modified:01 October 2024 10.43 a.m.
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