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Summer Schools 2016 at the Faculty of Behavioral and Social Sciences

18 April 2016
Summer in the old Hortus garden

This summer, staff members of the faculty of Behavioral and Social Sciences will be involved in several summer schools at the University of Groningen.

History of Education

9-12 June

This conference invites applications from postgraduate students in the history of Education with an interest in the histories of educational spaces and discourses and new ways of working with images, artefacts, and archives. Leading international historians of education will give lectures and workshops, and offer advice concerning the research process. There will be opportunities for students to discuss their dissertation projects with fellow doctoral candidates and receive comments from prominent scholars in the field. more information

Population and Society

12 - 17 June 2016

This summer school offers a window into the world of population studies and social demography. It will showcase key population issues such as healthy ageing, migration and integration, changes in families and nutrition and development and show how leading demographers and sociologists are researching and informing policies to deal with these pressing societal issues. more information

Migration Matters, Understanding and intervening the societal phenomenon of migration

3-8 July 2016

The summer school offers new and multidisciplinary insights in the complex phenomenon of migration as well as training in innovative methods to study migration, such as participatory action research, spatial approaches and gaming. Guest speakers from both academia and practice will share their knowledge and experience with the students. Participants will explore and address various ways of knowledge valorization. more information

Healthy Ageing

4-8 July 2016

Ageing is related to problems both at societal as well as at individual level. Healthy ageing is part of the solution, and various disciplines are engaging in healthy ageing research, including social sciences, demography, biomedical sciences, and public health. The main goal of the Healthy Ageing Summer School is that students gain insight into the healthy ageing obtained by these different disciplines, ranging from cell to society. The School strives for scientific co-operation and pre- and post-graduate education at an international level, trying to attract students already interested in research. The intentions are to stimulate students interest in research from an early stage on, to allow master students the opportunity to get an overview of and explore the possibilities of healthy ageing research in Groningen and to encourage contact between students and research project leaders. The school also aids in recruiting young potentials, i.e. enthusiastic and talented students who are attracted by interdisciplinary approaches to scientific research.

Last modified:20 June 2024 08.19 a.m.

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