Products, Tools and Publications
Valuable knowledge
From 2016 to 2020, the consortium for Severe Parenting Problems and Families with Multiple and Complex Problems (SPP&MCP) conducted research into the content of care for these families. This research yielded valuable knowledge. However, professionals struggled with translating this knowledge into everyday practice.
Practical guidance and tools
In a recently completed ZonMw VIMP project, the acquired knowledge regarding the elements 'collaborating with the social network of families' and 'collaborating with young people' was translated into practical guidance and tools for professionals, together with experienced young people, parents, and professionals.
Developed products and tools
The project has delivered the following end products and tools:
Workshops (in Dutch)
Conversation Sheet (in Dutch)
Een praatplaat met concrete handvatten en praktische tips voor professionals om gelijkwaardige samenwerking met het gezin en de mensen om hun heen vorm te geven.
Factsheets (in Dutch)
Knowledge Clips (in Dutch)
Reflection Cards (in Dutch)
Reflectiekaarten waarmee professionals kunnen reflecteren op de werkzame elementen in de hulp aan ZOP&GMCP. Bij interesse voor deze reflectiekaarten kan contact worden opgenomen met Loraine Visscher (l.visscher
Lessons Learned (slides in Dutch)
We reflect on a valuable and enlightening project that has yielded some valuable end products and tools as outcomes. Drawing from our experiences in this project, we are keen to share a few lessons learned:
When translating knowledge into practical tools for professionals, utilize existing knowledge supplemented with practical and experiential knowledge. This approach prevents reinventing the wheel and ensures that the end products and tools better align with the desires and needs of young people, parents, and professionals.
Collaborate with a trainer who is an expert in the theme and also has practical experience when developing workshops. This collaboration helps reach professionals, and the trainer can better empathize with them.
Emphasize connection and collaborative efforts with relevant partners and existing (knowledge) networks. By doing so, strengths and expertise can be combined in the design, implementation, dissemination, and sustainability of outcomes.
Pay attention to the extent to which organizations facilitate their professionals in terms of time and space to utilize developed end products and tools. This increases the likelihood of successful implementation in practice.
This project was a collaboration between the Expertise Centre for GMCP, the Collaborative Centre of care for youth Friesland, Windesheim University of Applied Sciences, C4Youth, Stjoer, Jimmy’s Leeuwarden, Community Support, Zorgbelang Groningen, experienced young people, parents, and professionals.
Questions or want to learn more?
If you have any questions or would like to learn more about this project and/or the developed products and tools, please contact Loraine Visscher at
Annual reports
Jaarverslag 2023 Expertisecentrum Gezinnen met Meervoudige en Complexe Problemen.
Jaarverslag 2022 Expertisecentrum Gezinnen met Meervoudige en Complexe Problemen. Terugblik en Vooruitblik.
Scientific literature
Aukes, N., Knot-Dickscheit, J., Boelhouwer, M., & Post, W.J. (2018). Online samenwerken in de hulpverlening. Het klinkt mooi, maar hoe gaat het in de praktijk? Kind & Adolescent Praktijk, 17(3), 6-12.
Boelhouwer, M., Wetterauw, M., Aukes, N., & Knot-Dickscheit, J. (2019). Eindrapport. Jongeren aan Zet: een weg naar arbeid en zelfredzaamheid. Groningen: Molendrift.
Borst, M. Uithuisplaatsen moet anders. Dagblad van het Noorden. (10-09-2022) pdf.
Harder, A. T., Knorth, E. J., Kalverboer, M. E., Tausendfreund, T., & Knot-Dickscheit, J. (2018). Parental perspectives: Risk and protective factors associated with parenting quality for parents of adolescents in secure residential care. Child and Family Social Work. 23, 549–557doi: 10.1111/cfs.12404
Knorth, E. J., Knot-Dickscheit, J., & Thoburn, J. (2015). Supporting children when providing services to families experiencing multiple problems: Perspectives and evidence on programmes. International Journal of Child and Family Welfare. 16(1/2), 2-10.
Knorth, E.J. & Knot-Dickscheit, J. (2019). Gezinnen met meervoudige en complexe problemen: stand van zaken en perspectieven voor theorie en praktijk. In: J. Knot-Dickscheit & E.J. Knorth (Red.). Gezinnen met meervoudige en complexe problemen. Theorie en Praktijk (pp. 492-507). Lemniscaat: Rotterdam.
Knot-Dickscheit, J. & Knorth, E.J. (2019) (Red.). Gezinnen met meervoudige en complexe problemen. Theorie en Praktijk. Lemniscaat: Rotterdam.
Knot-Dickscheit, J. & Knorth, E.J. (2019). Gezinnen met meervoudige en complexe problemen: Inleiding. In: J. Knot-Dickscheit & E.J. Knorth (Red.). Gezinnen met meervoudige en complexe problemen. Theorie en Praktijk (pp. 22-27). Lemniscaat: Rotterdam.
Knot-Dickscheit, J. & Huyghen, A-M. (2018). Samenwerking: noodzaak en uitdaging. Orthopedagogiek: Onderzoek en Praktijk, 57(3/6), 116-117.
Knot-Dickscheit, J., Thoburn, J. & Knorth, E. J. (Eds.) (2015). Supporting children when providing services to families experiencing multiple problems: Perspectives and evidence. International Journal of Child and Family Welfare. 16(1/2),1-134.
Tausendfreund, T., Knot-Dickscheit, J., & Knorth, E. J. (2017). Gezinnen in multiprobleemsituaties. In: Van der Ploeg, J. D. (ed.). Jonge onderzoekers over de jeugdzorg: Enkele problemen uitgelicht (pp. 11-22). Amsterdam: SWP Uitgeverij
Tausendfreund, T., Knot-Dickscheit, J., Schulze, G. C., Knorth, E. J., & Grietens, H.W.E. (2016). Families in multi-problem situations: backgrounds, characteristics, and care services. Child & Youth Services, 37(1), 1–19. doi: 10.1080/0145935X.2015.1052133
Tausendfreund, T., Metselaar, J., Conradie, J., Schipaanboord, N., Groot, M. de, Knot-Dickscheit, J., Grietens, H.W.E., & Knorth, E. J. (2015). Self-reported care activities in a home-based intervention programme for families with multiple problems. Journal of Children's Services, 10(1), 29–44. doi:10.1108/JCS-07-2014-0034
Tausendfreund, T. & Knot-Dickscheit, J. (2015). Children in families with multiple problems: Advancing a main challenge. International Journal of Child and Family Welfare, 16 (1/2), 11-21.
Thoburn, J. Knorth, E.J., & Knot-Dickscheit, J. (2019). Het hulpverleningsteam rondom gezinnen met meervoudige en complexe problemen: Bevindingen uit Engels onderzoek. In: J. Knot-Dickscheit & E.J. Knorth (Red.). Gezinnen met meervoudige en complexe problemen. Theorie en Praktijk (pp. 357-379). Lemniscaat: Rotterdam.
Van Assen, A. G. A., Knot-Dickscheit, J., Post, W. J. W. & Grietens, H. H. (2020). Home-visiting interventions for families with complex and multiple problems: A systematic review and meta-analysis of out-of-home placement and child outcomes.Children and Youth Services Review, 114. 14 p., .
Van Assen, A.G., Knot-Dickscheit, J., Post, W.J., & Grietens, H.W.E. (2019). Het effect van intensieve pedagogische thuishulp op kinduitkomsten, kindermishandeling en uithuisplaatsing: internationaal onderzoek. In: J. Knot-Dickscheit & E.J. Knorth (Red.). Gezinnen met meervoudige en complexe problemen. Theorie en Praktijk (pp. 332-356). Lemniscaat: Rotterdam.
Van Assen, A.G., Knot-Dickscheit, J., Post, W.J., & Grietens, H. (2019). Kinder- en Jeugdcoaching: het belang van kindgerichte hulpverlening bij gezinnen met complexe en meervoudige problematiek. In: J. Knot-Dickscheit & E.J. Knorth (Red.). Gezinnen met meervoudige en complexe problemen. Theorie en Praktijk (pp. 453-467). Lemniscaat: Rotterdam.
Vischer, A.W.K., Knorth, E.J., Post, W.J., Knot-Dickscheit, J., Mulder, J.M.V., & Grietens, H. (2019). Het Expertise Centrum voor Behandeling en Beoordeling van Ouderschap en Psychiatrie: het belang van een tijdige beslissing over de beste plek voor het kind. In: J. Knot-Dickscheit & E.J. Knorth (Red.). Gezinnen met meervoudige en complexe problemen. Theorie en Praktijk (pp. 426-437). Lemniscaat: Rotterdam.
Visscher, L., Evenboer, K.E., Scholte, R., Van Yperen, T.A., Knot-Dickscheit, J., Jansen, D.E.M.C., & Reijneveld, S.A. (2020). Elucidating care for families with multiple problems in routine practice: self-registered practice and program elements of practitioners. Children and Youth Services Review, 111. .
Visscher, L., Evenboer, K.E., Jansen, D.E.M.C., Scholte, R.H.J., Knot-Dickscheit, J., Veerman, J.W., Reijneveld, S.A., & van Yperen, T.A. (2018). Identifying practice and program elements of interventions targeting multiproblem families: the development and interrater reliability of a taxonomy. Child and Youth Services Review, 65, 64-70. Doi:
Last modified: | 03 February 2025 2.22 p.m. |