The Centre of Expertise FMCP is a collaboration between the departments of Orthopedagogy and Sociology within the Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences at the University of Groningen. We also work closely with the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG). Our cooperation partners are Molendrift and WIJ Groningen.
Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences, University of Groningen and the UMCG
The University of Groningen is an ambitious international research and teaching university that stimulates societal involvement. The Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences of the UG excels in teaching and research in the fields of human behaviour and how people think, learn and live together. The Department of Child and Family Welfare and the Department of Sociology are affiliated with the Centre of Expertise. The Department of Orthopedagogy focuses on parenting issues and support problems that occur in the development of children, adolescents and adults, and how to interpret, prevent and resolve these issues while offering the right support. The context of the home situation and the wider societal context are also involved in this. Additionally, attention is paid to problems with interaction in parenting and care provision, a context and systems-based focus on problems and cooperation as well as interdisciplinary work.
Our cooperation partners Molendrift and WIJ Groningen provide financial support and cooperate with us in research and teaching.
Molendrift helps more than 2,500 clients annually. They offer help in regards to behavioural issues, parenting issues, learning difficulties, problems relating to work and interaction problems in the broadest sense of the word, as well as in response to a combination of these problems. Quality in healthcare takes precedence at Molendrift. For this reason, Molendrift has been working closely with the University of Groningen, and the Department of Orthopedagogy in particular, as well as related institutions. The interventions used are based on years of experience and research. The impact of the support provided is continuously measured. This expertise ensures that Molendrift can also offer solutions to complex problems. Cooperation with the FMCP offers the option of further expanding the expertise on the topic of complex issues and contributing to scientific research in this area.
WIJ Groningen
WIJ Groningen focuses on providing advice and support for residents of the municipality of Groningen. If necessary, support can be provided in the person’s vicinity and close consultation with their network. The indications for the Social Support Act (Wmo) and the Youth Act are handled by WIJ Groningen. WIJ Groningen initiates and maintains neighbourhood and community work and youth work in close cooperation with residents and organizations, with the goal of encouraging, activating and supporting individuals. One of the WIJ Groningen target groups is FMCP. WIJ Groningen contributes their experience with this target group and questions relating to FMCP to the Centre of Expertise.
Last modified: | 03 February 2025 2.50 p.m. |