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Over ons Faculty of Science and Engineering Ons Onderwijs School of Science and Engineering

MSc. Farmacie studieadviseur

Mirjan van Timmeren
Mirjan van Timmeren
Mirjan van Timmeren
Degree programs
  • BSc. Pharmacy
  • MSc. Pharmacy
  • academicadvisor.phar

Open Office hours (max. 10 min)

  • Monday 12.00-13.00 hr.
  • Please call 050-3638547 or visit room 3213.0015.

In case an open office is cancelled, this will be announced here
15 July only by phone; 29 July - August

Appointments (max. 30 min)

  • Book your own appointment online agenda (direct link:
  • Monday and Thursday: appointments will take place on campus or online, please select the appointment type that you would like.
  • Tuesday and Friday-morning: appointments will take place online.
  • 'On campus': you will receive a confirmation via email and the appointment wil take place on-site in room 3213.0015.
  • 'Online' the appointment will take place online, you will receive a confirmation via email including a link for Google Meet.
Working days
  • Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday-morning

Renske Vonk
Renske Vonk
Renske Vonk

Degree programmes
• BSc. & MSc. Pharmacy

• UMCG (Antonius Deusinglaan 1, Education Support Centre) room 3213.0017


Open office (max 10 min) please drop by 3213.0017 or call +31 503635194:

Thursday 12.00-13.00hr and Friday 12.00-13.00hr

In case an open office is cancelled, this will be announced here:

From August 9 - September 9 there will be no open office.

- Until August 9 we will answer your email once a week on Thursdays and/or Fridays. 

- After August 9 we will be out of office until August 31, with no access to this email. 

- From September 2 - 9 we will have some delay in answering your email.

Appointments: (max 30 min) on Thursdays and Fridays

  • Book your own appointment via online agenda_Renske Vonk
  • Please select the type that you like: appointments on campus, online or walk on campus.
  • 'On campus' you will receive a confirmation via email and the appointment will take place onsite in room 3213.0017
  • 'Online' the appointment will take place online , you will receive an invitation via email including a link for Google Meet.
  • 'Walk on campus' the appointment will take place in fresh air, we will walk around the campus

Working days
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday

as of July 1, working days will be Thursdays and Fridays

Elise Boon
Elise Boon
Elise Boon

Degree programmes
• BSc. & MSc Pharmacy

• UMCG (Antonius Deusinglaan 1, Education Support Centre), room 3213.0013


Open office hour: (max 10 min)

  • Thursday 11.00 - 12.00 hr.
  • Please visit room 3213.0013
  • Open Office is closed due to the Christmas holidays on 22 and 29 December and 5 January

Appointments: (max 30 min)

  • Book your appointment via
  • Thursday: appointments will take place on campus or online, please select the appointment type that you would like.
  • Monday & Tuesday: appointments will take place online.
  • 'On campus': you will receive a confirmation via email and the appointment wil take place on-site in room 3213.0013.
  • 'Online': the appointment will take place online, you will receive an invitation via email including a link for Google Meet.

Working days
• Monday - Tuesday - Thursday

Laatst gewijzigd:02 september 2024 14:38
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