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Population Studies Topmaster and Research Master in Spatial Sciences best geography research Master

28 February 2017
Population Studies
Population Studies
Top rated programme
Top rated programme

The latest edition of the Higher Education Guide for Master’s degree programmes has awarded the ‘Top Rated Programme’ predicate to 18 degree programmes taught at the University of Groningen. One of these Topmasters is the Faculty of Spatial Sciences master programme in Population Studies. The Research Master in Spatial Sciences is the best research master in the geography field.

Master in Population Studies

The Master in Population Studies scores 78 points, two more than last year. It is one of the 18 Top Rated Programmes of the University of Groningen. The master programme focuses on demographic events like marriage, birth, health, migration and death, on how decision-making regarding these life events is influenced by the historical, economic, societal, cultural, and medical context.

Research Master in Spatial Sciences

The Research Master in Spatial Sciences scores 72 points and is the best research master within the field of geography, scoring better than the research masters of the universities of Amsterdam and Utrecht. This programme trains students to do research in the Spatial Sciences: economic and cultural geography, spatial planning and demography.

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Last modified:26 February 2020 09.40 a.m.
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