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First international bachelor programmes in Geography and Planning in Groningen

09 November 2016
Bachelor programmes geography and planning
Bachelor programmes geography and planning

From September 2017, students at Groningen University will be able to enroll in English-language bachelor’s degree programmes in geography and planning; Spatial Planning and Design and Human Geography and Urban and Regional Planning. The courses are taught by the Faculty of Spatial Sciences. They will presented at the Open Day on Friday, November 11th.

The courses in the new programmes are given in an international context, with case studies from around the world. Students learn to look at problems from different perspectives and develop solutions. Spatial Planning and Design students learn to make spatial designs in which visions, ambitions and ideas are translated to maps and visual images. The programme focuses on designing the organisational process: who is involved when, and what does the ideal decision-making process look like? Central themes are water management, mobility and infrastructure planning, and environmental planning. Students in Human Geography and Urban and Regional Planning learn to focus on spatial differences, because social phenomena happen in specific places, at specific times and with specific impacts. .


The internationalisation of the undergraduate programs fits within the university's strategy to make education more globally relevant and culturally diverse. Through Learning Communities and International Classrooms collaboration between students from different countries is stimulated. This will further increase their understanding of and experience with cultural differences. With the internationalisation of the undergraduate programmes, the Faculty will reach a wider variety of prospective students.

Seven international master programmes

After obtaining their bachelor's degree, students can transfer to one of the seven international Master's programs offered by the Faculty. Dutch students can also opt for the Geography Teacher Training.

More information

For more information about the bachelor and master programmes offered by the Faculty of Spatial Sciences, please go to

Last modified:26 February 2020 09.40 a.m.
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