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About us FEB Your Business Partner


For many years already our experts have executed various successful research projects. Find out what our partners say about collaborating with us.

GDBC-centre and NOO-partnership: practical help for a wide group of organisations

‘In today’s rapidly changing digital world it is particularly important to have good ties to an excellent university like the UG. NOO (Noordelijke Online Ondernemers; Northern Netherlands Online Entrepreneurs) recognizes clear added value in the NOO and UG’s collaboration in the GDBC in order to share, evaluate and strengthen our knowledge.’

Marco de Jong -- Chair of NOO and fund manager for G-force

CEER-centre and Gas Terra-partnership: a sustainable win-win situation

“The partnership with CEER is a sustainable win-win situation. Working together we enable their researchers to work with the necessary data to challenge their hypotheses. In turn, we benefit from their findings to test our own interpretation of market developments and the soundness of our strategies.”

Anne Braaksma -- Public Affairs at GasTerra

HRM&OB-centre and Municipality of Assen-partnership: new insights

“Our conversations are converted rightaway into an accessible and practicable model which clearly shows you its possibilities and benefits. The Centre of Expertise takes a broader view of our questions and also tries to find out which third parties can be liaised to a certain issue.”

Milouda Aharouil -- Strategic HRM Adviser at Municipality of Assen

CPEB-centre and De Friesland Zorgverzekeraar-partnership: top quality research on change management and eHealth

'The master students of the centre that conduct research for us on Change Management and eHealth are top students. The research is of top quality and helps us continually improve and refine the implementation approach of innovations.'

Cid Berger -- Director Innovation, Marketing & Sales / Member MT at De Friesland Zorgverzekeraar


Do you have a research question in the field of economics and business? We like to help you. Please contact Rina Koning to assess what the options are and how we can be of value to you.

Last modified:22 August 2024 08.49 a.m.
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