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How to stay warm as a student during the colder months

Date:13 December 2023
Hylke staying warm with loads of blankets and a cup of tea.
Hylke staying warm with loads of blankets and a cup of tea.

The cold has really hit these past few weeks. In order to stay warm it might be tempting to turn your heater up, but there are other ways to stay warm and toasty! In today’s blog, I talk about 8 ways that have nothing to do with your heater.

#1 Wrap yourself in blankets

The most obvious thing to do is to wrap yourself in blankets as if you’re a human burrito. It’s SO warm and cosy, I love it. The blankets trap your body heat, so there’s no need to turn your heater on or up. Make sure you have enough blankets though ;).

#2 Buy a draught stopper

You might already have a draught stopper, but if not, consider buying one because it really helps to keep the warmth inside and the cold outside. It’s basically a strip with a brush you put on the bottom part of your door to cover the area between the floor and the door through which warmth escapes. It’s a very sustainable way to stay warm!

#3 Eat and drink hot foods and beverages

Of course hot foods and beverages couldn’t be left out. Nothing beats a good soup or a delicious hot chocolate warming you from the inside out. Plus: soup is really not that hard to make and is quite healthy! If you are in need of a tasty recipe, check out our blog on the best autumn recipes. #shamelessselfpromotion hehe.

#4 Move your body

If you want to get warm quickly (and probably a little bit sweaty), move your body! This could be through a work-out, a yoga session or something else. Afterwards, in order to actually stay warm, frequently get up and walk through your house or room to keep your blood flowing.

#5 Leave the oven open after baking

Another sustainable way to warm yourself and your room is to leave the oven open after baking. That way you get a delicious baked good, use the left-over warmth, and save money on heating. It’s a win-win!

#6 Layer with thermals

If you have the money, you could also invest in some high-quality thermals. You can wear these leggings, shirts etc. underneath your normal clothes which will help you stay warm when you go outside, or inside, if you have to sit still for a long time, for example. It’s a good investment in my opinion because the pieces are durable and they enable you to wear some of your “colder” clothes during winter! Tip: if you don't have the money for thermals, tights underneath your trousers do the trick as well.

#7 Move your sofa or bed

I hear you thinking: “Moving your sofa or bed will keep you warm?” Yes! If you’ve put your sofa or bed near the heater, they could be blocking its warmth making your room chillier than it has to be. So, moving your furniture out of the way will help you to be (and stay) warm and toasty!

#8 Keep a hot water bottle near you at all times 

My hot water bottle has saved me from having very cold feet multiple times, which is why I have to give it a shout-out. They can be used in many ways: you can lay it on your lap when you’re working or put it in your bed before you go to sleep so that you’re stepping into a warm bed, which is just pure bliss. If you haven't got a hot water bottle already, run to the store now!

Hopefully these tips will help you stay warm throughout these cold winter months. Let us know in the comments below if you have tried one of these or if you have any other useful suggestions. Stay warm and happy! :3

About the author


Hiya! I’m Hylke, a Dutch MA English Literature student. People often ask me if I’m Frisian, but sadly I’m not; I just have a Frisian name. I love reading, writing, meeting with friends, and the colour yellow, so much so that I take pictures of every yellow wall I can find!


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