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How to prepare for the Online Bachelor’s Week

Date:23 January 2023
Ready for presentations! :)
Ready for presentations! :)

The Online Bachelor’s Week is approaching! From 30 January - 3 February you can follow online presentations about the Bachelor programmes you’re interested in. Are you ready? If not, no worries! Here are some last-minute tips that will help you to prepare for the coming week. 

#1 Register for programmes you’re interested in

If you haven’t done so already, make sure you have registered for the programmes you’re interested in! There are many many programmes and there’s no limit to the number of programmes you can sign up for. So, sign up for as many as you’d like! There are general presentations where presenters give an overview of the programme, other programmes just offer Q&A sessions, and there are themed presentations about, for example, studying in Groningen or the application process etc. Check out the whole schedule to see when presentations are given!

#2 Put everything in your diary

You’ve probably already done this, but just to be sure: write down all the dates and times on which the presentations take place in your (online) diary so you don’t forget them! You could even set reminders on your phone. It would be a shame if you forget to attend a presentation while you want answers to some of your questions.

#3 Prepare questions to ask

Now that you’ve registered, it’s handy to prepare some questions about the things you definitely want to know in order to decide which programme is right for you. While many questions might already be answered during the presentation because you’ll receive lots of information, you’ll have time to chat with some students and/or professors and to ask your questions at the end. Make sure to write them down, or create a document on your computer where you save them, so you won’t forget them. To get you started, Avital has written a blog about useful questions to ask when looking for a Bachelor’s programme. Go check it out!

#4 Sit down somewhere comfortable

One of the perks of the Online Bachelor’s Week is getting to stay at home and attending presentations in your pajamas with a nice cup of coffee or tea and some snacks. While it’s tempting to get as comfortable as you want (a.k.a. joining the video calls while laying in bed), I would recommend sitting at a table so you can actively participate when necessary. Some bonus tips: sit down at a place where you can charge your laptop if necessary and where there’s enough light if you are planning on turning on your camera. It’s also handy to have a bottle of water next to you so you don’t have to leave the table to get another drink.

#5 Make sure all the technical stuff is in order

As you’re attending online, it’s important to make sure everything is alright regarding your laptop or computer. First of all, check if your laptop is charged. If not, charge it beforehand and have a charger at hand for when the battery is running low again. Also make sure that you can access the platform via a good browser, such as Google Chrome or Firefox, and log in 5 - 10 minutes beforehand so you can explore the platform and check if everything is working correctly. Last but not least, have some good earphones or headphones on hand so you can hear everything clearly!

#6 Get help from students

This last tip will not necessarily help you in your preparation for the Online Bachelor’s Week, but it’s good to know that there are students ready to help you if you have any unanswered questions or questions that have suddenly come to your mind after the presentations. You can definitely check out the blogs on the student blog page to find the answers yourself as we’ve written blogs on lots of different topics such as student life in Groningen and choosing a programme etc. But you can also mail a student with your questions or chat with them via our chat platform. As you can read, there are lots of options to get in touch with us!

Now that you’ve read this, you’re fully prepared to attend our Online Bachelor’s Week. Enjoy the coming week and we hope to see you in Groningen in the future! :)

About the author


Hiya! :) I’m Hylke, a Dutch MA English Literature student. People often ask me if I’m Frisian, but sadly I’m not; I just have a Frisian name. I love reading, writing, meeting with friends, and the colour yellow, so much so that I take pictures of every yellow wall I can find!


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