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Results for tag: studentlife

Some faculties have individual student support departments. Make sure to look around for them!

Uni Resources You Should Know

Date:16 June 2020
This blog will show you the ins-and-outs of all the resources provided by the University of Groningen, divided into 4 major categories: academic resources, career resources, wellbeing/health resources, and other various resources.
Studying, working, and exercising from home – that's our routine!

Groningen Diaries: Our quarantine routine

Date:18 March 2020
Author:The Blog Team
Ariana, Danique and Asmo share their daily quarantine routines with you so that you can be inspired to create your own!
Did you know the UG has a resident poet? His name is Willem Wierbos!

#TheCityIsOurCampus 22.01-28.01

Date:22 January 2020
We’re smack in the middle of exams, ESNS is over, and it might seem like there’s nothing to do. However, there is always something going on in Groningen, which is why we’ve rounded up the most interesting events happening this week. If you feel like taking a necessary break from studying, why not check some of these out?
My friends and I feeling at home at one of the nightclubs

An African students' guide to working, living, and feeling at home in Groningen

Date:28 November 2018
Moving to a new country and culture, especially when you are on your own, can be a daunting experience for anyone. From finding jobs and work experience to hair shops and nightclubs, here is a list of tips, tricks and places that can make life as an African student at the University of Groningen more enjoyable.
Here is Arthur showing off his product at Venture Lab

Starting a company during your studies: a conversation with a student entrepreneur

Date:06 November 2018
You’ve heard the stories. Mark Zuckerberg founding Facebook at university, in between learning how to drink water. Larry Page & Sergey Brin starting Google during the studies in their first step to taking over the world. How is it to start a business while you are studying? I spoke to UG student Arthur, founder of, about his experiences starting a company during his masters.
The author on the pinnacle of his 5 minute career as a DJ

5 songs about Groningen that every student should know

Date:05 October 2018
Whether it is about the beauty of Noorderplantsoen, chilling on a rooftop with view on the Martinichurch or procrastinating in the UB's coffee corner, these are five songs that every student in Groningen should know
Some of my group and I setting up the first launch

The Weather Balloon Chronicles: A story of a group project in my bachelors

Date:28 September 2018
At times during your studies you get to do something which reminds you of why you chose to study that subject in the first place. For me, one of the highlights of my studies so far has been a group project that I did at the end of my first year studying Physics. This is the story of that experiment. Enjoy!
Sunroots were one band to perform at the Welcoming PARTY

Aftermovie Welcoming PARTY

Date:22 September 2018
On 30th August this year, the University of Groningen welcomed over 2600 new international students with a Welcoming Day followed by a Welcoming Party for both international students and first-year Dutch students. It was a great way for new students to get to know each other, have fun, and enjoy themselves as students for perhaps the first time.
If all else fails, just eat gigantic pizza slices every day

3 Simple Meals That Keep You Going In Your First Year of Uni

Date:12 September 2018
You’ve just moved to Groningen and for the first time, you are completely independent on what you want for dinner. No more parents or siblings dictating what is on the menu: it’s all you. While at first you went all out by ordering pizza, sushi, or burgers every night - you’ve realized it can’t go on like this anymore because your bank account is almost drained and you still have 3 weeks left until payday.
You can also pretend to row boats on the Grote Markt. Photo: ESN Groningen

Bucket List: Things to do in your first month in Groningen

Date:17 August 2018
Our blog team has been living in Groningen for a while now, but we too were once new and overwhelmed by all the things you can do here. We thought we'd list the best things a brand-new Groninger should do in order to make your life a little bit easier. If you don't want to do all forty, just do number #1 forty times.