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Results for tag: student

Luc looking perplexed by the wealth of information found in MOOCs!

Luc's MOOCs

Date:13 January 2021
MOOCs. What are they? They are way more than just a sound you would expect a cow to make. In fact, they are super helpful if you want to learn something new, or get an idea of the academic environment of the UG.
The author on the pinnacle of his 5 minute career as a DJ

5 songs about Groningen that every student should know

Date:05 October 2018
Whether it is about the beauty of Noorderplantsoen, chilling on a rooftop with view on the Martinichurch or procrastinating in the UB's coffee corner, these are five songs that every student in Groningen should know
The duality of a science student

5 Things That Happen to Every Science Student

Date:30 May 2018

As a student at the Faculty of Science & Engineering, you get a very similar experience as every other student - with a few notable differences. As a Physics student, I have decided to list five things that happen to every single science student!

Back in time in Volendam!

Exams are over – take a break and go on a day trip

Date:14 November 2017

Happy days: the first exam period of the new year is over! The abundance of stress and lack of sleep has ended and no matter how your exams went, you deserve a break. So what are you going to do to celebrate? You can catch up with your friends; spend an...