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Education Bachelor's degree programmes

About Studie in Cijfers

Studie in Cijfers (or "Studiebijsluiter") is a quick-facts leaflet detailing a university degree programme's relative performance compared to the same programme at other Dutch universities. The objective information in Studie in Cijfers can help you decide on a degree programme in higher education.

Below, you'll find notes and definitions of the categories and figures in Studie in Cijfers. All figures are based on full-time university Bachelor's degree programmes. Studie in Cijfers compares a university's degree programme figures to the programme's national average.

  • Student satisfaction
    Indicates how satisfied students are with this programme. This is measured on a scale of 1 to 5.
  • Number of first-year students
    The number of students starting this programme each year.
  • Contact hours in first year
    The number of clock hours per week offered for this programme in the first course year. Specifically, this is the number of hours per week during which students have scheduled meetings with teachers (lecturers, tutors, or student assistants).
  • Advancement to second year
    The percentage of students who directly advance from the first course year of this programme to the second year of the same programme. This figure can be taken to indicate their academic success in the first phase of their degree programme.
  • Bachelor's degree obtained within 4 years
    The percentage of students advancing to the second year who obtain their Bachelor's degree within four years.
  • Job opportunities
    The percentage of students who report having found work within 1.5 years after obtaining a Master's degree following their Bachelor's degree. Only the national average for this category is given, as the number of graduates available for this survey is typically too low to obtain useful figures on a single programme at a single institution.
  • Unavailable data
    If data or information is missing or unavailable, a dash sign ("-") is put in its place. Information may be missing because the necessary data are not collected, response rates are too low to result in a reliable figure, or the programme is new and there is no data available yet.

The information in Studie in Cijfers can help you get a first impression of different programmes at a university you're interested in, or compare similar programmes at several universities. You can always find more information on a programme on the university website.

Last modified:22 October 2019 08.37 a.m.
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