Results from the Alumni Survey – Faculty of Arts 2021
At the beginning of 2021, in collaboration with research agency Enneüs, more than 1,400 alumni of the Faculty of Arts partake in a survey. Focusing on the programmed followed, competencies gained during their studies in comparison with what are needed in their career , their career paths and in what way they want to stay in contact with the faculty.
Alumni who graduated after 2010 are the best represented (54%) although we have received replies from multiple countries . Most respondents have Dutch nationality and still live in the Netherlands. After the Netherlands, Germany (4.55%), followed by Great Britain (1.62%) and Italy (1.43%) are the most common country of origin for the respondents.
A number of outstanding points emerge from the survey. First of all, it is noticeable that alumni are generally very satisfied (23%) and satisfied (61%) with the training they have followed (86% in total). In comparison: 11% have no comments, 5% are dissatisfied and 1% are very dissatisfied. In retrospect 92% of the respondents would again choose the RU for their study.
About the training followed the results show that also in terms of relevance to the career IRIO (International Relations and International Organisation ) (> 27%) and History (> 20%) score the highest. In addition, Communication and Information Sciences and Applied Linguistics and Linguistics scored above 25%.
This does not apply, however, to the relationship between theory and practice, as is repeatedly stated indicated in the survey (answers to open-ended questions) and in answers to questions about the content and subject matter of the courses.
Regarding connection to the labor market more than 30% of the alumni were dissatisfied or very dissatisfied with this aspect. The following responses illustrate the above-mentioned results regarding content and substance, (discontentment versus contentment) in more recognizable aspects/topics:
38% dissatisfied or very dissatisfied | 27% neutral | 35% satisfied or highly (very) satisfied
• Knowledge of lecturers about professional practices:
18% dissatisfied or very dissatisfied | 24% neutral | 57% satisfied or highly (very) satisfied
• Professional and career formation and preparation with the program
42% dissatisfied or very dissatisfied | 33 %neutral | 26 % satisfied or highly (very) satisfied
• Professional and career formation and preparation by the services of the faculty
29 %dissatisfied or very dissatisfied | 45 % neutral | 26 % satisfied or highly (very) satisfied
More than 50% of the students followed a placement program during their studies. Among the alumni after 2010 there is a marked improvement in the use of networks and experience when entering the labor market (53%) compared to the results of all (before and after 2010) respondents(42%). Of all respondents, 33% have done an internship after graduating completed (24% paid and 11% unpaid).
The competencies required by job/profession vs competencies developed and acquired during studies
Required by the job |
Developed and acquired during studies |
Analytical- cognitive |
69% |
54.3% |
Communicative and Interpersonal |
77.6% |
51.4% |
Personal |
73.6% |
43.6% |
Digital and Informative |
66.5% |
49% |
From the 72% that is required by the job about 50 % of the requirements are acquired and developed during the studies , leaving only a 22 % to be developed and acquired during the working life.
In the follow up and post-University education 57% opted for another institution, 43% (31% much and 12% very much), indicated that the curriculum has influenced their choice for another institution. A 19 % of respondents indicated that it has somewhat influenced and 24% indicated that it has no to very little influence on their choice.
An extremely high percentage (84%) of our alumni were successfully employed. For 66 % within 3 months after completion of their studies. Even among those who did not have paid jobs (16%) but were looking for employment, many were successfully employed within 0–6 months (45%).
Of the 16% who did not have paid jobs, more than 66% were not looking for employment.
Most of our alumni are employed in government (> 26%) and in financial and business services (> 11%). The alumni usually have an executive (>35%), advisory (> 27%) or management position (> 13%). Their first job is often a executive function (52%). More than 86% work in a first to third job and more than 80% work more than 32 hours weekly. More than 67% are satisfied with their current job.
For contact with the Faculty of Arts 513 alumni have signed up for the Faculty's digital newsletters, 444 indicate that they want to collaborate with the faculty on improvements of the curricula to better match career profiles and 425 alumni want to contribute in the field of internship assignments and research projects.
Again we thank our alumni who participated. In relation with our Strategic Plan the Faculty of Arts will keep in touch on projects and actions resulted from this survey.
Last modified: | 16 December 2021 10.50 a.m. |