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Jana Stiebitz, international alumni ambassador 2011-2012, Germany

Name: Jana Stiebitz

Home country: Germany

Programme: International Business Management, Faculty of Economics and Business

Scholarship: -

“I really enjoyed the flat hierarchies, the small classes and problem-oriented learning here. At a German university of this size, you can’t find such an atmosphere.”

About studying in Groningen

“What are the things I liked the most about my study programme? First, the international management perspective which is used in every subject, so that the sometimes dry material always gets a new fresh insight. Secondly, the obligatory exchange semester was one of the best experiences in my life.  I am already studying abroad here in the Netherlands, but still an exchange semester is the best thing a student can do!

I learned to think more analytical. In management you often have to consider a lot of different disciplines and angles of view. That I would say is the most important skill I have gathered from the last three years.

The Bachelor/Master system is already well established in the Netherlands, whereas in Germany it is still in its infancy. In addition I really enjoyed the flat hierarchies, the small classes and problem-oriented learning here. At a German university of this size, you can’t find such an atmosphere.

What do I think about the biking in Groningen? It is both perfect and crazy. I love to do everything with my bike, but seeing so many people on their bikes although it is raining cats and dogs, or transporting furniture on their bikes, that is just surreal.

Immediately after my arrival, I started with a Dutch language course and my Dutch flat mates did the rest. As a German it is not that hard to learn Dutch, but most of the Dutch people are directly switching to English after they find out that you are not a native speaker .”


Jana Stiebitz studied Business Administration (Bachelor) in the direction of International Business Management at the University of Groningen. After spending an exchange semester at the Toulouse Business School (France) she decided to also do her Master degree abroad to strengthen her international orientation.

Laatst gewijzigd:22 juli 2021 10:11