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PhD ceremony ms. H. Grutterink: Meta-perceptions in work teams. A multi-level model of antecedents and consequences of perceived expertise affirmation

When:Th 26-09-2013 at 14:30

PhD ceremony: ms. H. Grutterink, 14.30 uur, Academiegebouw, Broerstraat 5, Groningen

Dissertation: Meta-perceptions in work teams. A multi-level model of antecedents and consequences of perceived expertise affirmation

Promotor(s): prof. G.S. van der Vegt, prof. H.B.M. Molleman, prof. K.A. Jehn

Faculty: Economics

People care about how they think others see them and constantly monitor the impressions they make. Beliefs about how we think others view us are called meta-perceptions –perceptions of perceptions– and are important predictors of our affect and behavior in interpersonal settings. In spite of the increasing importance of teams in organizations, little research has addressed the role of meta-perceptions in work teams. Nevertheless, this tendency to organize work around teams forces employees to cooperate more frequently. As a result, it is critical to gain insight into the development of meta-perceptions in work teams and their effects on individual and team performance.

In this dissertation, Hanneke Grutterink examines a specific subtype of meta-perceptions: perceived expertise affirmation –i.e. people’s belief that their skills and abilities are recognized and acknowledged by their fellow team members. Across three studies, she shows that perceived expertise affirmation is not only important for members’ individual performance, but also for the performance of teams as a whole. Moreover, she identifies several factors such as team composition, size and tenure that affect perceived expertise affirmation. The results suggest that it is important for managers to be aware of the motivational effects of meta-perceptions in work teams and that these effects may be leveraged through rather simple interventions such as newcomer socialization programs and cross-training.

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