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About us Working at the University of Groningen Rosalind Franklin Fellowship Fellows 2013-2014

Martine Maan

Rosalind Franklin Fellow in Behavioural Biology at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Martine Maan received her MSc degree in Biology at the University of Groningen (1997) and her PhD degree at the University of Leiden (2006). She then conducted postdoctoral work in the US (University of Texas at Austin) and in Switzerland (University of Bern and Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology; Eawag). In 2011 she moved back to the University of Groningen with a VENI fellowship. Since August 2013, she is appointed as a Rosalind Franklin Fellow at the Groningen Institute for Evolutionary Life Sciences.

Martine Maan studies the biology of species formation, specifically asking how adaptations to different ecological conditions contribute to the development of reproductive barriers between incipient species.

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Last modified:08 April 2021 11.27 a.m.