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Sustainability in the University Council

21 mei 2015

The elections are present around the campus one more time. Green Office has interviewed the parties, both those representing the students and the staff faction, to present their action points and approach of the sustainability issue for the University of Groningen.

Studenten Organisatie Groningen (SOG)

“The SOG advocates development to the international standard on sustainability, in a world in which environmental stability is proving vital. We see no excuse not to switch to solar panels where possible, and to promote environmental studies in every faculty. In regards to how sustainable our campaign is, we provided fresh smoothies and fruits for the students in order to energize them in a healthy way.”


“Sustainability is a very important aspect of our daily life, and in the near future it will become even more important. We need to reduce energy consumption and in order to do so we need to produce more sustainable products. We understand the importance of this, however we don’t think subsidized sustainability is the way to go. We’d rather see local initiatives or smart persuasive communication that can trigger a process of creating awareness and support. We think that sustainability is something we should all want and care about rather than being mandatory”.

Staff Faction

“We actively promote sustainability and I believe that a university is an important factor in society where sustainability can become concrete and persuasive due to smart and new solutions. I am thinking of plastic solar cells and efficient heating techniques for university buildings et cetera.”

Science Faction

"The Science Faction wants the University to set and become an example towards society with regards to sustainability and innovation. That means that we will support new investments in green IT, solar panels, led lighting and other means of energy reduction."

We haven't yet received a reaction from Calimero.

Laatst gewijzigd:13 maart 2020 00:39

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