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Author — Mattanja Gerritsen

Four tips towards a zero waste lifestyle

Date:22 July 2022
Author:Green Office
For her final blog, Matanja elaborates on how to think, shop, and store products with more care and less waste. In four tips, she explains how to reuse paper and packaging, buy groceries plastic free, make sure to only buy what you need, and above all: stay optimistic!
Author — Mattanja Gerritsen

The six R’s of Sustainable living

Date:09 June 2022
Have you ever heard of the six R's of Sustainability? In this blog, Mattanja explains these comprehensive steps towards sustainability, from most important to least important: Rethink, Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repair, and Recycle. If you want to get started or want to improve your green lifestyle, these will help you reconsider your current behaviors! 
Author — Mattanja Gerritsen

How to: A Sustainable Easter

Date:15 April 2022
Author:Green Office
Easter is around the corner, but did you ever wonder if celebrating it could have an environmental impact? Mattanja gives us 5 tips on how to celebrate this weekend sustainably, from which eggs to buy to how to veganize it. Click on the links embedded for some great resources and delicious recipes!
Author — Mattanja Gerritsen

Vintage and secondhand shopping: how to find pre-loved treasures (Part 2)

Date:20 March 2022
Author:Green Office
After having discussed the impact that the fast-fashion industry has on the planet and why we should avoid it, in this second blog, Mattanja gives us a comprehensive guide to vintage and secondhand shopping, from online to local! Click on the links to check the apps, websites, and shops recommended.
Author — Mattanja Gerritsen

From fast fashion to vintage: it’s possible! (Part 1)

Date:25 February 2022
Author:Green Office
In this first blog (out of two), Mattanja gives us some facts about the damaging impact of fast fashion and tells us how she slowly shifted to a more sustainable alternative: vintage clothing! Find out how much you can contribute to a greener planet by changing your shopping habits.
Author — Lisa de Jong

Litter-picking, a surprising activity

Date:04 February 2022
Author:Green Office
Lisa's encounter with a stranger at the park led to learning more about a sustainable habit: litter-picking. Shifting our perspective on how we see the public spaces we use may help us feel more connected to them and, therefore, take care of them. In this blog, Lisa tells us about this inspiring encounter and the reasons why you should start litter-picking!
Author — Mattanja Gerritsen

The cost of package free shopping

Date:24 January 2022
Author:Green Office
Being sustainable while studying can be a bit challenging at times. Mattanja walks us through her zero-waste grocery experience, the choices she has learned to make along the way, and some tips to make shopping at the market and supermarket easier! 
Author — Lisa de Jong

Water conservation: reducing and reusing kitchen waste water

Date:23 November 2021
Everyday efforts at home have a substantial impact on our earth's water conservation. In this blog, Lisa tells us a couple of tips on how to conserve and how to optimize our use of this essential natural resource at home.
Author — Mattanja Gerritsen

The shiny world of greenwashing

Date:08 November 2021
Author:Green Office
Greenwashing, a term that the sustainable community hears more and more. What is it exactly? Mattanja walks us through the strategies companies use and how you can recognize them!
Author — Remco van Veluwen

Plant-based diet on a budget

Date:01 November 2021
Author:Green Office
1st of November is World Vegan Day and it is also the beginning of World Vegan Month! Have you ever wondered how you can have a plant-based diet on a budget? Remco gives us 6 easy tips to eat plant-based food without having to take a hit to your wallet.