Biodiversity on the Zernike Campus
Welcome to the audio tour about biodiversity on the Zernike Campus. You only need to open this page once. All audio fragments are listed below. The route consists of a short circular walk of about 25 minutes past five different information boards. In the first audio fragment you will hear when you can start walking. We wish you a lot of fun during the walk!
Audioroute (NL)
1. Ooit kwam de zee tot hier
2. Waar een wil is groeit een bos
3. Niet voor de bomen
4. Broedplaats voor vrije vogels
5. Veilig voor het maaimes ben ik eindeloos
Deze audioroute over biodiversiteit, met audiofragmenten en infoborden, is in opdracht van Terreinbeheer gemaakt door Douwe-Jan Schrale (Facility Support) en is tot stand gekomen in samenwerking met de Green Office .
Audiotour (EN)
1. Now we manage nature
2. Where there is a will there grows a forest
3. For the bees
4. Inspired by moist meadows
5. Safe from the mowerknife I am limitless
This audio tour about biodiversity, with audio fragments and infosheets, was made by Douwe-Jan Schrale (Facility Support), and was realized in collaboration with the Green Office . The project was commissioned by Terrain Management.
Last modified: | 27 July 2023 11.43 a.m. |