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Vamba Sherif Lecture on Cultural Sensitivity

When:Th 16-11-2023 13:00 - 14:30
Where:Kouwerzaal (M. 0161) 
poster of information on lecture by Vamba Sherif

In this lecture, learn more about diversity, migration, colonialism, and the tension between moderate and radical Islam.

The lecture is open to students, academic staff, and support staff.

Register here to attend.

For more information, or if you have problems registering, please contact Liesbeth Muda (

The lecture will be in English.

About the Speaker

Vamba Sherif is a journalist and a writer. He wrote a variety of novels that were translated into several languages, and include ‘The Black Napoleon’; ‘Bound to Secrecy’ and the autobiographical ‘Unprecedented Love’. Sherif, who was born in Liberia and partly grew up in Kuwait and Syria knows various different cultures from within.

In the lecture, he approaches the themes from his personal experiences and connects them in an accessible way with stories from world literature. He depicts cultural misunderstandings, but also shows how people from different cultures can learn to understand each other.

Diversity and Inclusion at BSS

This lecture is one of a series being organized by the Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences. This academic year, the Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences will organize a number of meetings that focus on diversity and inclusion. These meetings aim to highlight these themes from different angles, and pay attention to, for example, the curriculum and cultural sensitivity. Colleagues and students are invited to share aspects of the themes that they would consider important.

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