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PhD ceremony Ms. D. Vavrincová-Yaghi: The therapeutic potential of indoleamine 2.3-dioxygenase in kidney transplantation

When:We 08-01-2014 at 11:00
Where:Academiegebouw, Broerstraat 5, Groningen

PhD ceremony: Ms. D. Vavrincová-Yaghi

Dissertation: The therapeutic potential of indoleamine 2.3-dioxygenase in kidney transplantation

Promotor(s): prof. R.H. Henning

Faculty: Medical Sciences

Here we have chosen as target of intervention the immunomodulatory molecule Indoleamine 2.3-dioxygenase (IDO). IDO is the rate-limiting enzyme in the metabolism of the aminoacid tryptophan and it is crucial in the foeto-maternal tolerance. We first investigated the effects of local gene therapy with IDO in a rat model of acute kidney transplant rejection. Based on the promising results of this study we have further tested the same approach in animal rat model of CTD. Moreover, we explored the feasibility of producing and the therapeutic potential of genetically modified IDO-expressing dendritic cells in vitro. Finally, we studied the tryptophan metabolism and its possible usefulness as a biomarker tool in patients after renal transplantation. Our results suggest IDO holds great therapeutical potential in renal transplantation, as it has beneficial effect on both immune and non-immune mechanisms of graft rejection.

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