PhD ceremony Ms. S.N. Azkiyah: The effects of two interventions on teaching quality and student outcomes. A comparison of educational standards and educational standards combined with a teacher improvement program in Indonesia
When: | Th 23-05-2013 at 16:15 |
PhD ceremony: Ms. S.N. Azkiyah, 16.15 uur, Academiegebouw, Broerstraat 5, Groningen
Dissertation: The effects of two interventions on teaching quality and student outcomes. A comparison of educational standards and educational standards combined with a teacher improvement program in Indonesia
Promotor(s): prof. M.P.C. van der Werf, prof. B.P.M. Creemers
Faculty: Behavioural and Social Sciences
The PhD project investigated the effects of two interventions in improving teaching quality and student outcome. In the first intervention, teachers received an elaborated document with performance standards and an informative meeting about it, while in the second intervention this was combined with a teacher improvement program. This program was based on the eight classroom factors of the dynamic model of Creemers and Kyriakides. In total, 59 English teachers and 2431 students from 57 junior secondary schools in the provinces of DKI Jakarta and Banten in Indonesia voluntarily participated in the study. Teaching quality was measured through classroom observations by independent observers (three times) and student questionnaires on their perception of teacher teaching quality (two times). Student outcome was examined through a performance test on English reading comprehension (pre- and posttest) and a student questionnaire on student motivation (three times). School, teacher, and student characteristics were collected to examine their influence and to obtain more precise estimates of the intervention effects.
The results of multilevel analysis showed that student achievement improved only in the second intervention group. Concerning teaching quality, the results showed also better teaching quality in this group but the degree of improvement over the three measurements did not differ in comparison with the first intervention group and the control group. However, the descriptive results revealed that this group managed to significantly improve their teaching quality in the first half of the intervention program (measurement one to two). Implications for further improvement of the interventions are discussed.