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PhD ceremony Ms. L. Hou: Steady state and time resolved spectroscopy of photoswitchable systems

When:Tu 10-12-2013 at 11:00
Where:Academiegebouw, Broerstraat 5, Groningen

PhD ceremony: Ms. L. Hou

Dissertation: Steady state and time resolved spectroscopy of photoswitchable systems

Promotor(s): prof. B.L. Feringa, prof. W.R. Browne

Faculty: Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Steady state and time resolved spectroscopy are two basic methods to investigate photochemical processes. In this thesis, three home-built spectroscopy systems were described, based on which and other spectroscopies several photoswitchable systems were studied.

The first photoswitchable molecular system can switch on and off magnetic interactions through-space upon different wavelength irradiation. Two porphyrin modified systems were described as follow, in which porphyrins were used to modified graphene properties through a covalent approach and drive molecular motor upon visible irradiation.

A photoswitchable molecular system, in which diarylenthene switches are mixed with the photosensitizers, can be used to control singlet oxygen generation using light. In the last part of this thesis several molecular motors were characterized to accurately determine the rotatory speeds and energy barriers.

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