PhD ceremony Ms. E.M. Trell: Rural realities. Everyday places and practices of young people in rural Estonia
When: | Th 27-06-2013 at 14:30 |
PhD ceremony: Ms. E.M. Trell, 14.30 uur, Academiegebouw, Broerstraat 5, Groningen
Dissertation: Rural realities. Everyday places and practices of young people in rural Estonia
Promotor(s): prof. P.P.P. Huijgen
Faculty: Spatial Sciences
In the context of socio-economic transformation, decline and marginalization in rural Estonia, this thesis provides insights into everyday ’rural realities’ as experienced and practiced by young people living in the countryside. It examines young people’s lives and the rural Estonian context from a cultural geographical perspective, focusing on the relationships between people and places. The voices and places of young people take center stage.
While interest in young people’s lives in East and Central Europe has often centered on exploring the broader social, political and economic processes and their impact on youth well-being and living conditions, this study shows that the everyday, local places also play an important role in young people’s lives and well-being. Based on my findings I can conclude that an appreciation and understanding of the everyday ’rural realities’ not only suggests new perspectives on the rural, but also expands the contexts within which we can examine global topics such as change, well-being and belonging.