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PhD ceremony Mr. H.J. Santing: Provisional implant-supported restorations in the aesthetic zone. Assessment of material properties and biofilm

When:We 11-12-2013 at 16:15
Where:Academiegebouw, Broerstraat 5, Groningen

PhD ceremony: Mr. H.J. Santing

Dissertation: Provisional implant-supported restorations in the aesthetic zone. Assessment of material properties and biofilm

Promotor(s): prof. H.J.A. Meijer, prof. G.M. Raghoebar, prof. A. Vissink

Faculty: Medical Sciences

To achieve a harmonious peri-implant soft tissue and excellent aesthetics, an anatomical provisional implant-supported restoration can be used. Provisional implant-supported restorations should be strong enough to withstand functional forces (i.e. have high fracture strength and low wear) and should not be harmful to surrounding peri-implant soft tissues. Little information is available on these topics.

The general aim of the research described in this thesis was to assess a number of material properties of provisional implant-supported restorations in the anterior zone of the mouth. Furthermore, the clinical performance of the Straumann Bone Level Implant System was evaluated and a new method for design and production of provisional implant-supported restorations was described.

Results of the in vitro studies reveal that indirect laboratory composite resin provisional implant-supported restorations are suitable for prolonged use in the anterior zone of the mouth with regards to fracture resistance and occlusal wear. It was concluded that more bacteria (both alive and dead) reside on indirect laboratory composite resin provisional implant-supported restorations compared to definitive zirconia/porcelain restorations. However, the clinical implications of these findings are unknown. Additional clinical studies are required to warrant prolonged use of provisional implant-supported restorations.

Furthermore, the radiographic, clinical and aesthetic outcomes and patient satisfaction of cases treated with platform-switched single implant restorations in the aesthetic region of the maxilla were evaluated. From this prospective, clinical study it can be concluded that the Straumann Bone Level Implant shows an excellent survival rate, marginal bone stability and good clinical and aesthetic results.

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