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Inaugural lecture Ms Prof M.W. Buitelaar: An Anthropological Approach to Contemporary Islam

When:Tu 16-01-2018 16:15 - 17:15
Where:Aula Academy Building, Broerstraat 5, Groningen

Dr Marjo Buitelaar has been appointed as Professor of Contemporary Islam in the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies at the University of Groningen as of 1 September 2016. Her research and teaching focus on ‘Islam in everyday life’ (the manifestation and significance of religion in the daily lives of Muslims). Her research concentrates on the ritual practices of Muslims in Europe, particularly in the Netherlands.

See alse the news article: ‘Help to provide adequate information about Muslims’.

More information

  • Inaugural lecture: Ms Prof M.W. Buitelaar
  • Title: An Anthropological Approach to Contemporary Islam
  • Chair: Contemporary Islam
  • Faculty: Theology and Religious Studies
  • Register at the latest one week in advance by returning the replycard or by filling in this registration form
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