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3D Culture of human lung fibroblasts decreases proliferative and increases extracellular matrix remodeling genes

Altered Extracellular Vesicle-Derived Protein and microRNA Signatures in Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluid from Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Alternative Splicing Is a Major Factor Shaping Transcriptome Diversity in Mild and Severe COPD

Con: "Is Spread Through Air Spaces an In Vivo Phenomenon or an Inducible Artifact?"

Context-specific eQTLs reveal causal genes underlying shared genetic architecture of critically ill COVID-19 and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

COPD Patients Display Increased Peripheral Blood Somatic Mutations Which Associate With the Prevalence of Co-morbidities

Developments in predictive biomarker testing and targeted therapy in advanced stage non-small cell lung cancer and their application across European countries

Ex Vivo Optimization of Donor Lungs with Inhaled Sevoflurane during Normothermic Ex Vivo Lung Perfusion (VITALISE): A Pilot and Feasibility Study in Sheep

Future perspective for the application of predictive biomarker testing in advanced stage non-small cell lung cancer

Osteoprotegerin is an Early Marker of the Fibrotic Process and of Antifibrotic Treatment Responses in Ex Vivo Lung Fibrosis

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AI als multifocale bril van de patholoog

Longkanker: welke vorm heb ik?

Covid2019: ACE2-receptor speelde ook grote rol bij SARS.

Revival van de Dutch Hypothesis, in geïndividualiseerde vorm.

(Moleculair) diagnostisch onderzoek bij de Pathologie kan nieuwe behandelmogelijkheden bieden voor longkankerpatiënten.

Pathologisch onderzoek essentieel voor kankerdiagnose

Kankercellen onder de loep

Zien welke kanker het is

PD-L1 kleuring vereist bij eerstelijnsbehandeling urotheelcarcinoom met pembrolizumab

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