W.R. (Wesley) Browne, Prof

Current position
Chair of Molecular Inorganic Chemistry and Full Professor, Stratingh Institute for Chemistry.
Inaugural lecture
ERC Starting investigator Grant (November 2011- October 2016)
NWO Vidi (CW). Stratingh Institute for Chemistry, University of Groningen, The Netherlands (December 2007 –November 2012). Research Topic: Molecular Systems for Smart responsive and Catalytic Surfaces.
Previous Positions
Associate Professor, Stratingh Institute for Chemistry, 2013-2018
Assistant Professor, Stratingh Institute for Chemistry, 2007-2013
Research Fellowship in the group of Prof. Dr B. L. Feringa. Stratingh Institute for Chemistry, University of Groningen, The Netherlands (August 2003 – November 2007).
Honorary Research Fellowship with the group of Prof. Dr J. J. McGarvey, Queen’s University, Belfast (QUB), Northern Ireland (July 2003 – September 2005).
Research Fellowship Joint Postdoctoral position with Prof . Dr J. J. McGarvey, Queen’s University Belfast, Northern Ireland and Prof. Dr J. G. Vos, Dublin City University, Ireland (August 2002 – July 2003).
Other positions and memberships
-Member of the International advisory board of the European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (2011-present), Chemical Communications (2012-present), Particle (2012-present)
-Memberships , Member of the Royal Society of Chemistry and the Royal Netherlands Chemical Society.
- Organisation of CD2007 – Conference on Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy (Groningen, September 2007)
- Senior Scientist, European Union Science Olympiad, Scientific Committee, Dublin (2003). Overall responsibility for the scientific organisation of the Chemistry Section of the Competition in what was the EUSO’s inaugural competition.
- IChO Mentor, International Chemistry Olympiad, Irish Team Mentor and Instructor (1999-present) and European representative to the ICHO International Steering committee (2007 - 2009).
Doctorate in Chemistry (PhD) 1999-2002
“Probing Ground and Excited State Properties of Ru(II) and Os(II) Polypyridyl Complexes .” Awarded by Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland. Promoter - Prof. Dr Johannes G. Vos
Bachelor degree in Pure and Applied Chemistry (B.Sc) 1995-1999 Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland; awarded with 1st Class Honours grade.
Academic Awards
Prize for Young Chemists, National Committee for Chemistry, The Royal Irish Academy (2002).
Chancellor’s Award for Outstanding Achievement, Dublin City University (1999).
AGB award (Pure & Applied Chemistry), Dublin City University (1999)
Last modified: | 25 June 2022 2.24 p.m. |