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Policy on sexual abuse: A survey study amongst managers of care facilities for individuals with intellectual disability in the Netherlands

Shifting the Focus: A Pilot Study on the Effects of Positive Body Exposure on Body Satisfaction, Body Attitude, Eating Pathology and Depressive Symptoms in Female Patients with Eating Disorders

Measuring body satisfaction in women with eating disorders and healthy women: appearance-related and functional components in the Body Cathexis Scale (Dutch version)

Prevention and Intervention Programs Targeting Sexual Abuse in Individuals with Mild Intellectual Disability: A Systematic Review

The protocol for positive body experience (PBE); introducing a psychomotor therapy intervention based on positive body exposure targeting negative body image in eating disorders

Klinische kenmerken van seksueel misbruikte mensen met een lichte verstandelijke beperking: een literatuuroverzicht

Psychomotor therapy targeting anger and aggressive behaviour in individuals with mild or borderline intellectual disabilities: A systematic review

Body experience in patients with mental disorders

Body image in patients with mental disorders: Characteristics, associations with diagnosis and treatment outcome

Negative body experience in women with early childhood trauma: Associations with trauma severity and dissociation

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