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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. W.I.J. de Boer, PhD


Do differences in sport participation contribute to socioeconomic health inequalities? Evidence from the Lifelines cohort study on all-cause mortality, diabetes and obesity

Sport as a medicine for health and health inequalities: essays on the role of sport participation in socioeconomic inequalities in health and health care costs

How is sport participation related to mortality, diabetes and prediabetes for different body mass index levels?

The impact of the Covid-19 crisis on socioeconomic differences in physical activity behavior: Evidence from the Lifelines COVID-19 cohort study

How are lifestyle factors associated with socioeconomic differences in health care costs? Evidence from full population data in the Netherlands: Evidence from full population data in the Netherlands

Ex Ante and Ex Post Willingness to Pay for Hosting a Large International Sport Event

Increased Physical Activity in Preparation for a Women-Only Mass Participation Sport Event: A Framework for Estimating the Health Impact

Neighborhood Socioeconomic Status and Health Care Costs: A Population-Wide Study in the Netherlands

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Sport is the most effective medicine against the health gap in the Netherlands

Covid-19 pandemic aggravated the crisis in physical activity

Voetbalclubs blijven ondanks lege stadions nog wel even overeind

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