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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. T.W.L. (Thomas) Scheeren


Can perioperative pCO2 gaps predict complications in patients undergoing major elective abdominal surgery randomized to goal-directed therapy or standard care? : A secondary analysis

Can the values of the venous-to-arterial pCO 2 difference (pCO 2 gap) be negative?: A response

Cerebral oximetry

Comparing the haemodynamic effects of high- and low-dose opioid anaesthesia: a secondary analysis of a randomised controlled trial

Comparison of Differences in Cohort (Forward) and Case Control (Backward) Methodologic Approaches for Validation of the Hypotension Prediction Index

The effects of respiratory rate and tidal volume on pulse pressure variation in healthy lungs–a generalized additive model approach may help overcome limitations

Agreement of somatic and renal near-infrared spectroscopy with reference blood samples during a controlled hypoxia sequence: a healthy volunteer study

Effects of norepinephrine and general anaesthesia on the mean systemic filling pressure

Hypotension Prediction Index software alarms during major noncardiac surgery: a post hoc secondary analysis of the EU-HYPROTECT registry

Impact of clinicians’ behavior, an educational intervention with mandated blood pressure and the hypotension prediction index software on intraoperative hypotension: a mixed methods study

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