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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. T.K. (Theo) Bouman


A systematic review of Culturally Adapted Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CA-CBT) for anxiety disorders in Southeast Asia

Transdiagnostic factors in depression and post-traumatic stress in a Mexican and Dutch sample

Transdiagnostic factors in symptoms of depression and post-traumatic stress: a systematic review


Functional somatic symptoms

Klinische psychodiagnostiek

Peer-provided psychological intervention for Syrian refugees: results of a randomised controlled trial on the effectiveness of Problem Management Plus

Psychometric properties of the Mexican version of the Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale: The IUS-12M

Determining breast volume preference among patients, plastic surgeons, and laypeople: Is there a perfect breast size?

The acceptability of cognitive behaviour therapy in Indonesian community health care

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Snotterseizoen ellendig voor hypochonders: 'De angst is er continu'

Waarom denken we zo dubbel over mooi zijn?

Uiterlijk versus psyche


Magazine interview HP/De Tijd / 'Wie mooi is moet nep zijn'

Magazine interview 'Escalatie van angst' Elsevier Magazine

Hit and run documentaries 'Kaalheid'

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