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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. T.J. de Koning


A Screening Tool to Quickly Identify Movement Disorders in Patients with Inborn Errors of Metabolism

Early onset ataxia with comorbid myoclonus and epilepsy: A disease spectrum with shared molecular pathways and cortico-thalamo-cerebellar network involvement

Gut Microbiome Composition in Dystonia Patients

Novel Genetic and Phenotypic Expansion in GOSR2-Related Progressive Myoclonus Epilepsy

Parkinsonism in Genetic Neurodevelopmental Disorders: A Systematic Review

Psychiatric manifestations of inborn errors of metabolism: A systematic review

Developmental neurobiology of cerebellar and Basal Ganglia connections

Eye movement disorders in inborn errors of metabolism: A quantitative analysis of 37 patients

Methylation of the serotonin reuptake transporter gene and non-motor symptoms in dystonia patients

Serotonergic system in vivo with [C-11]DASB PET scans in GTP-cyclohydrolase deficient dopa-responsive dystonia patients

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Geld voor onderzoek naar Noordzeeziekte, hoop op genezing van de zeldzame 'Friese' aandoening

MD PhD project on GOSR2 disease

Pathogenesis of North Sea myoclonus

Centre of expertise and the organisation of patient day for rare movement disorders

How to reduce the burden of administration and bureaucracy

Research on GOSR2

National Rare Diseases day and our work on GOSR2

Zeldzame bewegingsstoornissen

Interview regarding installation Dutch pediatrics association

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