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Autonomous Weapons Systems in warfare: Is Meaningful Human Control enough?

Cybersecurity Governance in Indonesia and the Netherlands: Towards More Cooperation

Artificial Intelligence Crime: An Overview of Malicious Use and Abuse of AI

Nanotecnologias Impulsionadas por Inteligência Artificial: Benefícios, Desafios Éticos e Riscos

Data-driven measures to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 in South America: How do regional programmes compare to best practice?

How can evidentiary standards be regulated at the international level for verifiable and transparent attributions of cyberattacks to states?

De universiteit als duurste streamingdienst?: De gevolgen van een veranderde infrastructuur

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Hoe AI oorlogsvoering zoals in Oekraïne en Gaza verandert

Autonomous weapons lower threshold to war

Autonome wapens verlagen de drempel tot oorlog

Implications of AI in Military Applications: A Call for Regulation

The use of artificial intelligence in war

Using data-driven measures to manage COVID-19

De universiteit moet haar meerwaarde opnieuw uitvinden

De universiteit moet haar meerwaarde opnieuw uitvinden

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