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About us Practical matters How to find us dr. T. (Thibault) Coppe

Research interests

Second career teachers; beginning teacher; teacher agency; teacher professional development; social capital; social network theory


Beyond traditional narratives about teacher professional development: A critical perspective on teachers' working life

How do teachers exercise relational agency for supporting migrant students within social networks in schools from Scotland, Finland, and Sweden?

L'articulation entre recherche et pratique en éducation

Partenariats recherche-pratique: A la recherche d'un équilibre entre "recherche engagée" et normes académiques

Transformer les pratiques en éducation: Quelles recherches pour quels apports ?

Analysing teacher agency within school social structure: New uses of visual methods

ÉRO: vers une Échelle du Rapport à l'Oral des (futures) personnes enseignantes: Les fondements d'un construit hypothétique

How failure experience combined with high teacher self-aspect importance puts self-efficacy at risk among student teachers

Improving the oral language skills of elementary school students through video-recorded performances

Les politiques de régulation de la profession enseignante et leurs effets sur les enseignants: Une étude comparative internationale

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Malgré une baisse, les salaires des enseignants restent compétitifs

Schools: the blues of new teachers

Second career teachers' realities