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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons S. (Sara) van der Tuin


Zooming in on the development of psychotic experiences: insights from daily diaries

Mental health, risk and protective factors at micro- and macro-levels across early at-risk stages for psychosis: The Mirorr study

Relating stability of individual dynamical networks to change in psychopathology

The added value of daily diary data in 1- and 3-year prediction of psychopathology and psychotic experiences in individuals at risk for psychosis

The dynamic relationship between sleep and psychotic experiences across the early stages of the psychosis continuum

Dynamic symptom networks across different at-risk stages for psychosis: An individual and transdiagnostic perspective

Group, subgroup, and person specific symptom associations in individuals at different levels of risk for psychosis: A combination of theory-based and data-driven approaches

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