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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons S. Tiso, MSc

Research interests

In my Phd project “Architectural determinants of evolutionary innovation”, I research how the architecture of biological systems can affect their evolvability. To investigate this topic, I use individual-based models that combine knowledge from evolutionary theory together with insights from the fields of Artificial Life and Artificial Intelligence. Understanding the architecture of evolved systems, can uncover interesting design features of these systems. These will not only provide insights in biological evolution, but also in other evolutionary fields, such as Evolutionary Robotics and Evolutionary Artificial Intelligence.


Evolvability and organismal architecture: The blind watchmaker and the reminiscent architect

Biological insights on grammar-structured mutations improve fitness and diversity

Capturing the facets of evolvability in a mechanistic framework

Density-dependent individual variation in male attractiveness in a wild field cricket

Inherited gene regulation unifies molecular approaches to nongenetic inheritance: Response to Edelaar et al.

Phenotypic plasticity explains apparent reverse evolution of fat synthesis in parasitic wasps

Understanding 'non-genetic' inheritance: Insights from molecular-evolutionary crosstalk

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Capturing the many facets of evolvability