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Greenland Norse walrus exploitation deep into the Arctic

Afterword: Storytelling Animals: Human-Nonhuman Relationships in the Arctic

Before Iglulik: Inuit Memory and Recent-Historic Archaeology at Avvajja, Nunavut

Diverging harvesting strategies of Atlantic walruses: An intercontinental comparison

Holocene deglaciation drove rapid genetic diversification of Atlantic walrus

‘In and out’: Research co-creation and engagement with an Inuit community

In the Eye of the Beholder: Using microscopic analysis in the interpretation of Tuniit (Dorset Paleo-Inuit) art

Inuit voices: Community-based archaeology across the North American Arctic

On the long-term cultural significance of the traditional Yup’ik walrus hunt at Round Island (Qayassiq), Bristol Bay, Alaska

‘Place for a walrus to haul out’: Marine mammals and polynya archaeology in northern Foxe Basin, Nunavut, Canada

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ERC Starting Grants voor drie RUG-onderzoekers

Konden mensen vroeger overladen rond de Noordpool?

In de wereld van het rijzende land

Connecting the Bones

Kenniscafé over de Noordpool (English: “Knowledge café: the Arctic”)

Language is the key to a culture

Digging in the permafrost

Zeroing in on Inuit origins through archaeology and ethnography

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