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Development of Gender Non-Contentedness During Adolescence and Early Adulthood

Development of Gender Non-Contentedness During Adolescence and Early Adulthood

Pregnancy renders anatomical changes in hypothalamic substructures of the human brain that relate to aspects of maternal behavior

Recommendations for a Better Understanding of Sex and Gender in the Neuroscience of Mental Health

Alterations in the inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus – a specific neural correlate of gender incongruence?

Discordance between Adolescents and Parents in Functional Somatic Symptom Reports: Sex Differences and Future Symptom Prevalence

Feel it! A qualitative study on the social origins of somatic symptoms: “You’re supposed to go to school, but okay, if she is REALLY sick, or coughs or REALLY isn’t feeling well…”

How to Ensure Inclusivity in Large-Scale General Population Cohort Studies?: Lessons Learned with Regard to Including and Assessing Sex, Gender, and Sexual Orientation

Longitudinal relations between autistic-like features and functional somatic symptoms in adolescence

Seksuele gezondheid bij transvrouwen: Een onderzoek naar relevante aspecten van seksuele gezondheid en gewenste zorg voor en na de vaginoplastiek


Geen meisje - audio documentaire/podcast Docs

Gendertwijfels onder jongeren zijn normaal, verdwijnen vaak in de tienerjaren

De blik op transgenderzorg voor jongeren lijkt te kantelen door medische scepsis

Gendertwijfel - VK brief in reactie op opiniestuk van Vroonhoven

Zembla - the transgender protocol

European Researchers' Night

Transformation: how brain scientists look at transgender research differently

Expert panel ZonMW

DWSF Spring Symposium

De Gendercode - De Kennis van Nu