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Exploring the conformational space of ROS1 kinase domain and the impact of allosteric mutations

Systematic Approach to Parametrization of Disaccharides for the Martini 3 Coarse-Grained Force Field

Validation of a Coarse-Grained Martini 3 Model for Molecular Oxygen

Author Correction: Identification of inhibitors targeting the energy-coupling factor (ECF) transporters

Bartender: Martini 3 Bonded Terms via Quantum Mechanics-Based Molecular Dynamics

Building complex membranes with Martini 3

Capturing chemical reactions inside biomolecular condensates with reactive Martini simulations

Exploring the Ligand Binding and Conformational Dynamics of the Substrate-Binding Domain 1 of the ABC Transporter GlnPQ

Martini 3 Coarse-Grained Model for the Cofactors Involved in Photosynthesis

Modeling membranes in situ

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NWO Summit subsidie voor onderzoek naar moleculaire basis van leven

NWO Summit grant for research into the molecular basis of life

KNAW benoemt Marrink en Rosmalen tot lid

KNAW appoints Marrink and Rosmalen as members

WPI-led team uncovers new details of SARS-COV-2 structure

Tubby-Protein: Bisher unbekannte Bindestelle an Zellmembran identifiziert

Bislang unbekannte Bindestelle an Zellmembran identifiziert

New binding site to the cell membrane identified for Tubby protein- Role in retinal and hearing disorders

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