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All fetal growth restriction definitions fall short

Development of core outcome sets for studies relating to awareness and clinical management of reduced fetal movement

Doppler ultrasound of umbilical and middle cerebral artery in third trimester small-for-gestational age fetuses to decide on timing of delivery for suspected fetal growth restriction: A cohort with nested RCT (DRIGITAT)

Practice variation in timing of antenatal corticosteroid administration in early-onset fetal growth restriction: A secondary analysis of the Dutch STRIDER study

Systemic Oxidative Stress in Severe Early-Onset Fetal Growth Restriction Associates with Concomitant Pre-Eclampsia, Not with Severity of Fetal Growth Restriction

Transmission and dynamics of mother-infant gut viruses during pregnancy and early life

Variability in perfusion conditions and set-up parameters used in ex vivo human placenta models: A literature review

A Sex-Specific Comparative Analysis of Oxidative Stress Biomarkers Predicting the Risk of Cardiovascular Events and All-Cause Mortality in the General Population: A Prospective Cohort Study

Birth‐weight centile at term and school performance at 12 years of age: linked cohort study

Cardiovascular risk profile after a complicated pregnancy across ethnic groups: the HELIUS study

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Meer spoedbevallingen na geven ruggenprik

Mogelijk meer spoedbevallingen bij vrouwen met epidurale pijnstilling

Onderzoek in Groningen: na ruggenprik drie keer zo vaak spoedbevalling

Nederlands onderzoek wijst uit: na ruggenprik drie keer zo vaak spoedbevalling

Na ruggenprik drie keer zoveel spoedbevallingen als zonder pijnstilling

Gynaecoloog UMCG ziet meer spoedbevallingen na ruggenprik

Meer spoedbevallingen na ruggenprik


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