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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons S. (Sebastian) Firk, Dr


Digital Anxiety in the Finance Function: Consequences and Mitigating Factors

Institutional Entrepreneurship and Digital Transformation: The Role of Outsider CEOs

AI for managing open innovation: Opportunities, challenges, and a research agenda

CFO Career Concerns and Strategic Decisions: An Empirical Analysis of M&As

Credibility Signals from Soft Information: Evidence from Investor Reactions to Tone in Earnings Conference Calls

Environmental management control systems: Exploring the economic motivation behind their implementation

Board experience and value creation in cross-border acquisitions: The role of acquirer and target country institutions

De digitale transformatie van finance & control: een analyse van de gevolgen voor controllers

Digital at the edge – antecedents and performance effects of boundary resource deployment

Digital Innovation Units: An Empirical Investigation of Performance Implications

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