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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. S. (Stynke) Castelein


Cost-effectiveness of a mindful yoga intervention added to treatment as usual for young women with major depressive disorder versus treatment as usual only: Cost-effectiveness of yoga for young women with depression

Cross-Cultural Insights from Two Global Mental Health Studies: Self-Enhancement and Ingroup Biases

Feasibility, validity and reliability of the Dutch translation of INCRESE (INCRESE-NL) inventory to characterize mental health recovery narratives

Financial dissatisfaction in people with psychotic disorders: a report on its prevalence and correlates in a large naturalistic psychosis cohort

Financial dissatisfaction in people with psychotic disorders - A short report on its prevalence and correlates in a large naturalistic psychosis cohort

Financiële ontevredenheid bij mensen met psychotische stoornissen: Een kort verslag over de prevalentie en correlaten in een groot naturalistisch psychosecohort

Is personal recovery a transdiagnostic concept?: Testing the fit of the CHIME framework using narrative experiences

Non-peer professionals' understanding of recovery and attitudes towards peer support workers joining existing community mental health teams in the North Denmark Region: A qualitative study

Paving the Road While Walking–Perspectives from Flexible Assertive Community Treatment Managers on Preparing the Implementation of Peer Support Work (PSW) in Outpatient Services

Societal recovery trajectories in people with a psychotic disorder in long term care: a latent class growth analysis

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Langdurig psychotische patiënten kunnen wel degelijk herstellen

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