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Demography and Income in the 21st Century: A Long-Run Perspective

DemoGravity: World Population and Trade in the 21st Century

EXITitis in the UK: Gravity Estimates in the Aftermath of Brexit

International Economics and Business: Nations and Firms in the Global Economy

On the revealed comparative advantages of Dutch cities

The Location of Cross-Border and National Mergers & Acquisitions within the US

What's in a Name? Initial Geography and German Urban Development

Is Holland a Lumpy Country? An application of the Lens-Condition to Dutch Cities

Tasks, occupations and slowbalisation: on the limits of fragmentation

The Economics of Developing and Emerging Markets

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Global shifts in income and trade: developments until 2100

De schade van een handelshek om Nederland: De NEXIT optie is een slecht idee van de PVV

Nederlandse bedrijven verdedigen zich voor activiteiten in Rusland

Door de Coronacrisis zullen we leren dat veerkracht belangrijker is dan groei

Topeconomen van de RUG bespreken gevolgen van coronacrisis

Options for a 'Global Britain' after Brexit

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