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Prolonged hypothermic machine perfusion enables daytime liver transplantation - an IDEAL stage 2 prospective clinical trial

Treatment strategies for hepatic artery complications after pediatric liver transplantation: A systematic review

Anti-IFC antibodies in a patient with CHAPLE syndrome: Implications for blood management

Doppler-ultrasound reference values after pediatric liver transplantation: a consecutive cohort study

Etiology and Outcome of Adult and Pediatric Acute Liver Failure in Europe

Incidence of Isolated Biliary Atresia during the COVID Lockdown in Europe: Results from a Collaborative Project by RARE-Liver

International Liver Transplantation Society Global Census: First Look at Pediatric Liver Transplantation Activity Around the World

Minimally invasive versus open distal pancreatectomy for resectable pancreatic cancer (DIPLOMA): an international randomised non-inferiority trial

Neurodevelopment in patients with biliary atresia up to toddler age: Outcomes and predictability

Practice variation and outcomes of minimally invasive minor liver resections in patients with colorectal liver metastases: a population-based study

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UMCG-specialisten geven lezing over acute hepatitis bij kinderen: de lever is een 'ontgiftingsfabriek'

Oorzaak acute hepatitis bij kinderen is stap dichterbij

Na corona pieken de kinderziektes, relatief veel jonge patiënten worden ernstig ziek

Na corona pieken de kinderziektes, soms met dramatische gevolgen

Acute leverontsteking goed in de gaten houden bij kinderen

UMCG: ‘Adenovirus niet de oorzaak van toename acute leverontsteking bij kinderen’

Acute leverontsteking bij kinderen: geen alarm, wel goed in de gaten houden

Acute liver inflammation (hepatitis) of unknown origin in children: Cross-survey of the ERN RARE-LIVER

Al drie levertransplantaties in UMCG na ernstige kinderhepatitis

Al drie levertransplantaties in UMCG na ernstige kinderhepatitis

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