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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons R. (Rafael) Fernandes Cunha

R. (Rafael) Fernandes Cunha

Lecturer in AI | PhD Candidate

Rafael Cunha received his B.S. in Electronic Engineering from the Technological Institute of Aeronautics (ITA), Brazil, in 2008. From 2009 to 2017, he worked as a Petroleum Engineer at Petrobras, a Brazilian multinational corporation in the petroleum industry. In 2018, he earned his M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil, where he focused on control theory and worked with Markov Jump Linear Systems. Rafael is currently in the final year of his Ph.D. at the Faculty of Science and Engineering, University of Groningen, with a research focus on Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning and Transfer Learning. In addition to his ongoing Ph.D. research, Rafael is a Lecturer in the Artificial Intelligence department at the University of Groningen. His primary research interest lies in the area of Reinforcement Learning.

Laatst gewijzigd:05 april 2023 11:05