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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. R. (Richard) Bintanja

prof. dr. R. (Richard) Bintanja

Hoogleraar Klimaat en milieuveranderingen
Profielfoto van prof. dr. R. (Richard) Bintanja
050 36 32259 (Secretariaat)


Name                                      Richard Bintanja

Date and place of birth        17 April 1967, Amsterdam

Marital status                         Married, two daughters



Study and work

–  Masters Meteorology en Physical Oceanography, Utrecht University (1985 – 1990), including a propadeuse in Geophysics with Geology courses.

–  PhD, Institute for Marine and Atmosferic research Utrecht (IMAU), Utrecht University (1990 – 1995), thesis The Antarctic Ice Sheet and Climate, promotor prof. dr. J. Oerlemans, 9 januari 1995.

–   Various postdoc-positions (atmospheric ozone, ice sheets, paleoclimate, Earth system modelling), IMAU/KNMI/Free University Brussels (1995 –2008).

–   Senior climate researcher, KNMI (2008 – present).

–   Honorary Professor Climate and Environmental Change, Groningen University (March 2017 – present).


Top 5 publications

–   Bintanja, R., van de Wal, R. S. W., Oerlemans, J., Modelled atmospheric temperatures and sea levels over the past million years. Nature, 437, 125-128 (2005).

–   Bintanja, R., van de Wal, R. S. W., North American ice sheet dynamics and the onset of 100,000-year glacial cycles. Nature, 454, 869-872 (2008).

–   Bintanja, R., Graversen, R. G., Hazeleger, W., Arctic winter warming amplified by the thermal inversion and consequent low infrared cooling to space. Nature Geoscience, 4, 758-761 (2011).

–   Bintanja, R., van Oldenborgh, G. J., Drijfhout, S. S., Wouters, B., Katsman, C. A., Important role for ocean warming and increased ice-shelf melt in Antarctic sea-ice expansion. Nature Geoscience, 6, 376-379 (2013).

–   Bintanja, R., Selten, F. M., Future increases in Arctic precipitation linked to local evaporation and sea ice retreat. Nature, 509, 479-482 (2014).

See for the full publication list the end of this CV.


Work-related activities

–   Education: assistant of, and partial teacher of, various bachelor and master courses at the IMAU, VUB, KNMI and RUG (1990 – present)

–   (Co)supervision of a number of Bachelor, Master students, PhD-students en postdocs (1996 – present).

–   Various granted proposals, including: The dynamics of Antarctic blue ice areas (1995), Modelling Pleistocene ice sheets (PULS-scholarship, 1997), Arctic climate change and feedbacks (2010), Arctic climate change and its impact on European climate (2013).

–   Project leader Arctic climate change and feedbacks, NWO-grant, two PhD-students (2010 – present).

–   Participant, and field leader of, various scientific expeditions (three times Antarctica, Greenland, Iceland, Svalbard/SEES) (1990 – 2015).

–   Many presentations (including sollicited) at international conferences, symposia, workshops, science meetings, working visits (1992 – present).

–   Convener of the Snowdrift session of the IUGG General Assembly in Saporro, Japan (2003), and convener of the Arctic climate change session of the European Geosciences Union General Assembly (2012 – present).

–   Coordinator for the EC-Earth consortium (±30 institutes in ±10 European countries), organisor of various international EC-Earth meetings; coordinator of the KNMI EC-Earth contribution to CMIP5/6 (2008 – present).

–   Course supervising PhD-students (2011 – 2012).

–   Editor-in-Chief of the specialist journal Meteorologica (2014 – present).

–   Co-editor of the book "Door de kou bevangen – 50 jaar Nederlands onderzoek in de poolgebieden" (in Dutch), published March 2016.


Other activities

–   Writer of five published books (fiction, in Dutch): Poolreizen (novel, 2006), Gedachtenrijk (novel, 2011), Zoeken naar stilte (short stories, 2013), De eerste mens – Het verleden voorbij (novel, 2015; first part of trilogy); see: His fourth novel, De eerste mens – Onvoltooide herinneringen, has been published in March 2017.

–   Owner of a publishing company MaRiSuDa (founded 2010,

–   Editor of various texts, stories, novels (in Dutch).

–   Numerous presentations in libraries and popular scientific societies about climate (change) and about his activities as a fiction writer.



Richard Bintanja received his PhD on the subject Antarctic meteorology and climatology (1995). His scientific career focuses on both polar regions, which at first involved meteorological/glaciological observations during various field campaigns, then through modelling of paleo ice sheets over time spans up to 3 million years, and currently using state-of-the-art climate models to quantify and understand future polar climate change. He is the recipient of various scholarships and research grants, among which the PULS-scholarship (predecessor of the current NWO–VENI) in 1999. He has published his work in about 100 scientific articles, among which a few times in Nature. He currently (co)supervises a number of master students, PhD-students and postdocs, and he is the Editor-in-Chief of the scientific journal Meteorologica. He is also a writer, and has so far published four novels and a collection of short stories; his fifth novel will be published in 2018.


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Laatst gewijzigd:25 juni 2022 11:48