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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. P. (Peter) van der Meer


Angiotensin Receptor-Neprilysin Inhibition in Patients With STEMI vs NSTEMI

Biomarker and transcriptomics profiles of serum selenium concentrations in patients with heart failure are associated with immunoregulatory processes

Cardiac [99mTc]Tc-hydroxydiphosphonate uptake on bone scintigraphy in patients with hereditary transthyretin amyloidosis: an early follow-up marker?: an early follow-up marker?

Clinical characteristics and prognosis of patients with heart failure and high concentrations of interleukin-17D

Embedding routine health care data in clinical trials: with great power comes great responsibility

Epidermal growth factor receptor inhibition leads to cellular phenotype correction of DSP-mutated keratinocytes

Guideline implementation, drug sequencing, and quality of care in heart failure: design and rationale of TITRATE-HF

High-Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin T to Exclude Cardiac Involvement in TTR Variant Carriers and ATTRv Amyloidosis Patients

Immunomodulation and immunopharmacology in heart failure

Outcomes at 1 year in women with peripartum cardiomyopathy: Findings from the ESC EORP PPCM Registry

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ESC 2022 Gesprek van de dag | zaterdag

Gebruik van kaliumbinders in de klinische praktijk

Behandeling van hartfalen nu en in de toekomst

Niet-cardiale comorbiditeiten bij hartfalen

Gain-of-function mutation in ubiquitin ligase KLHL24 causes desmin degradation and dilatation in hiPSC-derived engineered heart tissues

Ijzerdeficiëntie bij hartfalen - doe mee aan de poll

Intraveneus ijzer bij patiënten met ijzerdeficiëntie, gestabiliseerd na acuut HF

Ziekenhuizen: geef ons personeel direct het vaccin

Hoe diagnosticeer en behandel je amyloïdose?

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